Last Updated on August 23, 2024 by Angela Vaz
Do you ever feel a quiet nudge inside, telling you you’re meant for more? It’s that deep sense of purpose, even when the way forward seems unclear.
I know what you’re feeling – that nagging doubt.
And it’s not “nothing.”
It could be a sign that you’re meant for something more, something that goes beyond your daily routine or the people you encounter.
You may have a remarkable potential that’s waiting to be tapped.
And all you need is a reminder.
That’s why I’m writing this post – to help you know if you’re truly meant for greatness!
Let’s dive in.
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1. You’re very empathetic

You actually put yourself in other people’s shoes.
You spend a large amount of time trying to make other people around you comfortable – some might call it people-pleasing, but to you it’s basic human kindness.
You understand and connect with others and it comes naturally to you.
People feel comfortable telling you things because you’re a good listener.
They come to you for advice, they’re drawn to you.
And you feel honored that you can help people even if it’s just listening to them and making them feel better about themselves.
2. You’re highly self-aware
You know where your shortcomings lie.
You are well aware of your weaknesses and you’re working towards bettering yourself.
Please know that if this is you, it’s a very rare habit to have.
Being self-aware is a trait that not many people possess. It’s a desirable trait, mind you.
You know exactly where your strengths and weaknesses lie and you use them to your advantage.
3. Your life is hard

Your life isn’t easy.
In fact, it’s been hard for a while now.
But something inside you keeps fueling on, you never give up. You do lose your way from time to time, but you find that light inside of you and keep going anyway
You are a hard rock to crack and this strength comes from something very deep.
You have been through very heavy storms but you’ve taken the lessons you’ve learned and paddled on boldly.
There are many times you’ve been frightened but you’ve quite literally survived all of your bad days.
4. You’re adaptable
You’ve often found yourself in hard situations but you’re able to adapt.
Whenever you find people around you complaining, you realize that there is no point in constantly complaining and put your head down and get to work.
You focus more on the solution than the problem.
You’re able to work under pressure even though you don’t like it.
And you always find a way to get through.
You adjust to new situations and people are often surprised as to how fast you’re able to do it.
5. You’re sometimes misunderstood

Nobody truly understands you.
And initially, that bothered you.
But with time, you were able to make peace with it.
You somewhat like being different and sticking out. You are embracing your individuality and you sometimes like the peace.
Being misunderstood has helped you see the world with fresh eyes..
You can offer a new perspective that not many people see.
And this new perspective often gives you clarity.
You have come to realize that being different is okay – and this is a sign of emotional intelligence.
You’ve accepted being different because it comes with a whole lot of advantages that you’re now able to see.
6. You’re always curious and asking questions

This is a sign of an open and large mind.
Many people follow others like a flock of sheep.
But not you.
You’re always curious, you’re always asking open-minded questions and you’re always eager to learn.
You never jump to conclusions because you know there could be a second side to the story.
You’re keen to learn new things and you find yourself googling things or asking people about different views.
Your mind is like a sponge and this is something you should never let die.
It’s a quality that’s rare and so beautiful.
You might be underappreciated but know that it won’t be for long.
Your constant learning will help you learn new skills that will push you to great success sooner than you know.
7. You’re willing to put in the hard work
It doesn’t matter how far-fetched the goal in your head is, you never shy away from work.
Even though you’re tired and mentally exhausted, you always are determined to get it done.
There is a voice inside of you that pushes you to work hard.
And while most people give up easily, you’re always motivated to achieve your goals and see it through.
This is a rare quality that also draws people to you.
People see you in a positive light and want to know how you’re always so focused and positive.
Your determination is something to be admired, remember that.
8. You’ve faced many failures

You’ve failed more than once.
And you’ve fallen hard.
But you’ve never let it dull your spirits.
You’ve overcome those challenges and you know that they are part and parcel of life.
You’ve seen more than others can comprehend and you know you’re capable of so much more.
Every life lesson has knocked you hard and you’ve pushed through many obstacles to reach where you are now.
9. You’re always looking to mentors for advice
You don’t shy away from learning.
You’re always reading, watching videos, or listening to Podcasts because you know there’s room for something greater.
Deep down, you know that you are destined for success so you do everything you can to learn from the Greats.
You’re pretty down to earth when it comes to starting from scratch because you don’t take things for granted.
You know it’s okay to start from square 1 and you’re ready to do what it takes to get you to where you want to be.
10. You’re very passionate
You can never understand how people do things without gusto.
You’re always passionate about anything you take on and you put in your 100% even when it’s not recognized or appreciated.
You believe in doing your best always because you believe you have a strong sense of purpose.
Some may call you a perfectionist, but what you are is effective.
Even though you may not realize it, you’re actually making the world a much, much better place.
11. You help others
You have a very kind heart – and it’s rare.
There are times when you want to say no, but if it’s a quick favor you’re always ready to help because you know what it’s like to be stuck and have no one to turn to.
Your kindness means that you see something not many people see – you’re the definition of what it’s like to be human.
Don’t ever let this quality go to waste.
You have an awakened sense of being.
And it’s something that will bring you very far in life.
It will also provide you with happiness because people who serve others find joy that never goes away.

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