Last Updated on August 15, 2023 by Angela Vaz
This year I am celebrating Christmas with my dogs.
My fiance is joining his parents back home who cannot travel here and I will be celebrating Christmas with our pups here before joining him for New Year.
It was the best arrangement we could make and I am so excited to spend Christmas with my fur babies.
I thought I’d write a post on how to celebrate Christmas with your dog in case you are alone and want to really make a fancy Christmas celebration with your pup(s).
You can also check out my post on 37 ways to celebrate Christmas if you are at home.
Let’s begin!
But before that really quick, get my free guide on how to really reset your life.
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1. Bake a Cake for your dog

Dogs love to eat and they enjoy food more than anything else – it’s a known fact.
So, while you’re sipping some mulled wine and eating some Christmas plum cake, why not bake a beautiful cake for your dog?
Dogs cannot eat the cakes we eat because many of the ingredients like chocolates, sugar, and milk don’t quite agree with them.
And baking cakes for dogs is quite easy because you only need a handful of ingredients.
It’s something that takes very little time but has a beautiful end result.
So, watch some recipes and learn how to bake a Christmas cake for your dog. Here’s one I found:
2. Take your dog for a walk in the park

Christmas is a beautiful holiday.
People hang up lights, there are Christmas trees everywhere and the air is filled with holiday spirit.
Wear a scarf and wrap one around your dog too while you take them for a walk in the beautiful park.
It’s a lovely way to bond with your dog while you look at the lights.
You can sit on a park bench with your dog or you can talk to other dog parents while your dog plays with other dogs.
Another idea is to take your dog to a dog park – you will meet a lot of other people who are spending Christmas with their dogs and you can talk to other dog parents while your dog sniffs other dogs and runs around with them.
3. Decorate the house with your dog

I know they’re dogs but Christmas isn’t Christmas without a little decoration.
I like to put up a mini Christmas tree and add a little Christmas cheer to the house while my dogs walk around the house sniffing everything.
They probably don’t understand what Christmas is about, but it’s a nice way to help them get in on the celebration.
4. Make a holiday Card with your dog

You can dress your dog up in a Christmas Outfit and take a cute photo of yourself with your dog.
Just make sure that your dog is okay dressing up. If he/she isn’t comfortable, then you can just use a cute scarf and not bother with a Christmas outfit.
You can make this photo a holiday card or a postcard and send it to your loved ones.
Add custom greetings and warm notes to each one – it’s such a wonderful way to celebrate Christmas and include your dog too!
5. Knit your dog a sweater or a scarf from scratch

I took a simple online course and learned how to knit my dogs – scarves.
I spent a lot of time sitting on the balcony with my dogs curled up next to me while I knitted.
It’s an activity all three of us enjoyed and I was able to make them such pretty scarves.
It’s a peaceful way to spend Christmas with your dogs.
6. Go for a staycation with your dog

If you don’t want to spend Christmas at home with your dog and you are the adventurous type, go to a resort and celebrate Christmas with your dog.
We found a great resort a few hours away that has a bone-shaped pool for dogs and allows you to stay with your dogs.
Find a dog-friendly resort and go for an adventure with your pooch.
Make sure you and your dog are warm and bundled up!
If you’re not a fan of this idea, you can also visit a close family relative and take your dog with you. This is a beautiful way to get your dog acquainted with your family.
7. Dress up as Santa!

You can either dress up as Santa and play with your dog or take your dog to go meet Santa if he/she is friendly and loves people.
It’s a nice way to celebrate Christmas with your dog and get them all excited!
It also makes a great photo!
8. Say hello to all the neighborhood dogs

I live in a friendly society with a lot of dogs.
And during Christmas, all the dog parents get together and exchange treats.
Consider planning something like this with your neighbors and get together so that your dogs can play together.
You can also go the extra mile by baking lots of dog cookies and then distributing them among the neighbors as a form of goodwill.
9. Unwrap presents with your dog

I go Christmas shopping for my pooches every year and get them little toys which I like to gift wrap from scratch.
Here’s what I got for my dogs this year: They both love rope toys, so I got these Christmas-themed rope toys for both of them. It was a steal!
Nothing makes me happier than seeing my dog rip apart the paper packaging and play with their new presents.
I make sure to record it all on video so I can send it to my dad.
These are memories I will treasure forever.
10. Cuddle with your dog

I’m 30 so I go to bed by 9:00 pm.
And by 8:00 pm, I like to start winding down.
I play Christmas carols while I cuddle on the sofa and read with my dogs or I just meditate quietly while sipping on some hot chocolate.
This is a beautiful cup I got that is very Christmasy and has some cute pups on it.
I really enjoy drinking hot beverages and I play fetch with my dogs or rub their bellies.
It’s a quiet and tranquil Christmas activity to spend with your pooch.
11. Bake your dog Christmas cookies

Apart from baking a Christmas cake for your dog, you can also bake cookies.
Cookies are easier because they only take 10 minutes to bake and they last longer too. You can keep it for a week at room temperature.
I got these cute dog-shaped cookie cutters so I can make lots of dog-shaped cookies for my pooches.
12. Bake cookies for street dogs in your neighborhood

This year, I’m going to bake dog cookies for all the street dogs in my neighborhood.
We have a lot of street dogs in India and it’s a good way to bond with all the dogs in your area and give them something nice to eat.
So, you can take some time to do this or you can help in other ways like keeping bowls of water or food out.
You can also make donations to dog shelters or give them old blankets and newspapers because they really need those all the time.
This is a good way to give back to those in need.
And trust me, a little kindness goes a long way.
Christmas is a feeling more than a holiday.
You don’t need to be religious to celebrate this beautiful and warm holiday and it’s a feeling that should be shared with everyone.
My dogs are a huge part of my life so I make it a point to always go a little out of my way to make Christmas special for both of them.
And I start the celebrations in November!
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That’s amazing, I too take my dogs to play with other dogs on Christmas, and it’s adorable when they all wear their Christmas sweaters and run around. Such a fab idea!